Welcome to Our Website!
Welcome to the Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership's (BFRWP) Website! The website is here to provide you with information about how you can participate in the Partnership's activities. The Partnership is continually seeking innovative ways to improve conservation in the watershed while promoting economic sustainability and growth.
Karl Jensen, Chairman of Lawrence County Conservation District is elected Secretary-Treasurer of the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD)
Salt Lake City, UT – The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) welcomed and administered oaths of office to its new leaders during the association’s 79th Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah on February 11, 2025.
President-elect Gary Blair of Starkville, Mississippi, was sworn in as President of NACD. Blair manages Blair Legacy Tree Farm, owns a private financial consulting business, and is retired from 36 years of service with Southern AgCredit. Blair serves as a board member on the Carroll County Soil and Water Conservation District in Mississippi. For twelve years, he has served NACD and our nation’s conservation districts in a variety of leadership positions.
Mark Masters of Terrell County, Georgia, was elected as First Vice President. Ryan Britt of Randolph County, Missouri, was elected as Second Vice President. Karl Jensen of Lawrence County, South Dakota, was elected as Secretary-Treasurer. Immediate Past President Kim LaFleur of Plymouth County, Massachusetts, and NACD Chief Executive Officer Jeremy Peters round out the national association’s officer team. NACD OFFICERS
NACD also swore in new and returning members of the NACD Executive Board: Samantha Steiner from Ohio, representing the North Central Region; Cliff Lane from Pennsylvania, representing the Northeast Region; Bill Simshauser from Kansas, representing the Northern Plains Region; Michael Aguon from Guam, representing the Pacific Region; Dr. Carol Knight from Alabama, representing the Southeast Region; Phil Campbell from Oklahoma, representing the South Central Region; and Josh Smith from New Mexico, representing the Southwest Region.
“As producers and local conservation district leaders, NACD’s leadership team is honored to represent America’s conservation districts and the varied producers and communities we serve,” said Blair. “Together, we are champions for our nation’s time-tested voluntary and locally led approach to conservation on all lands. We will ensure NACD remains a trusted bipartisan voice for conservation investments that provide the healthy soil and clean water we all depend on for health, wealth, and security.”
For more information please email Candice Abinanti candice-abinanti@nacdnet.org
Pasture Walk - Virtual Fencing for Target Grazing (Newell, SD) Thursday July 11th 5pm
An opportunity to learn more about Virtual Fencing, Target Grazing Sweet Clover, and Conservation Bonfire Conversations.
Where: Flying O Ranch located at 18838 Ollila Rd, Newell, SD
When: July 11th, 2024, 5 PM
Snacks and Campfire conversations to follow!
Please visit the SDSHC webpage for event information and download the pasture walk flyer Pasture Walk- Using Virtual Fencing for Target Grazing (Newell, SD)
Please contact one of these folks for more information.
Jaelyn Whaley, Jaelyn.Whaley@sdstate.edu, (605) 374-4177
Logan Vandermark, Logan.Vandermark@sdstate.edu, (605) 394-1722
Dave Ollila, dave.soilhealth@sdconservation.net, (605) 569-0224
Women on the Range - Grazing Workshop July 8th-10th, 2024 near Faith, SD
The SDSU Extension will host a Women on the Range Workshop on July 8-10, 2024, at Wedge Tent Ranch (14596 South Dakota 73, Faith, SD 57626).
Join us for a hands-on grazing workshop for women, by women! We'll cover how range ecology and the intersection between plants and grazing ruminants is critical to your operation, as well as the impacts of grazing on your system - from grazing principles to grazing more efficiently. We'll also cover ecosystem processes, range health and spend time learning and discussing supply and demand. Instructors will include producers and Extension specialists. A detailed agenda will be emailed the week before the event.
The cost to attend this event is $175. Registration is required by June 28th. To register for the workshop, please visit the Women on the Range - Grazing Workshop Webpage and use the online form. Please contact Krista Ehlert, Assistant Professor & SDSU Extension Range Specialist.at 605-394-2236 or Krista.Ehlert@sdstate.edu for more information.
2024 West River Grazing School on June 11th-13th, 2024 in Wall, SD
The South Dakota Grazing Coalition will hold the West River Grazing School on June 11-13 in Wall, SD. Area producers teach you how to increase stocking rates, extend the grazing season through rest and recovery for pastures, increase plant diversity, retain moisture in your soil through drought, spend less time and money on weed control, have more time for hobbies and family, and set up your operation so that almost anyone can learn to run it. This is an opportunity you don’t want to miss.
During this 3-day intensive program, you will not only learn new grazing management techniques, but you will also get hand-on experience. The producers who put on this grazing school share the experiences that lead them to this new way of grassland management and how they overcame the challenges they faced throughout the implementation process. Additionally, the agenda features presenters from state and federal agencies, and universities so that you will be instantly connected with people who can help you implement the new grazing management plan you develop during the Grazing School. Participants will gain experience with hands-on activities in the field and hear presentations in the classroom.
The fee to attend Grazing School is $300 for SDGC current members or $335 for non-members. An additional person from the same operation is $150. To register for the school, please visit the SD Grazing Coalition West River Grazing School Webpage and use the online form. Please contact Judge Jessop at 605-280-0127 or judge.jessop@sdconservation.net for more information.
2024 West River Soil Health School on June 26th & 27th, 2024 near Caputa, SD
The South Dakota Soil Health Coalition will hold the West River Soil Health School on June 26-27 at Shawn and Kristi Freeland’s Dry Creek Farm and Ranch near Caputa, SD. The agenda will feature classroom style presentations from producers and technical experts from across the state and region, as well as hands-on experiences in the field. Area producers will also share their challenges and successes with various methods for improving soil health. Individual registration costs $100, and additional registrations from the same operation cost $75.
To register for the school, please visit the SD SHC West River Soil School Webpage and use the online form or download a brochure, complete the attached form, and mail it in with your check.
777 Bison Ranch Tour on Monday, May 20th, 2024 near Hermosa, SD
Please join us for a tour of the 777 Bison Ranch near Hermosa, SD. We will hear from experts and program managers about creating, monitoring, and maintaining great habitat!
Preregistration is required by May 10th, 2024 at this Tour Registration Link. Limited space available. Lunch will be provided.
Download the 777 Bison Ranch Tour Flyer
When: May 20th 7:00 am to 3:30 pm MST
Where: Hermosa, SD, Please Register by May 10th as space is limited.
Kammerer Ranch Tour on Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023 near Piedmont, SD
Join us Wednesday August 23rd to learn how Kammerer Ranch has been using cover crops to improve hayland production, increase available winter/fall grazing, and improving soil health.
Download the Kammerer Ranch Tour Flyer
When: August 23rd 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Where: Kammerer Ranch – 22049 Elk Vale Road Piedmont, SD, Please RSVP to Riley: 605‐209‐3544
For reasonable accommodations please contact: Valerie Riter at 605‐347‐4952 ext. 3 or 605‐499‐8645 by 8/16/2023
Local partners unite for conservation: Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership Spotlighted in New Video
PRESHO, SD – The South Dakota Association of Conservation Districts is pleased to introduce the release of a new video spotlighting the remarkable achievements of the Belle Fourche Irrigation District and the Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership. The video offers an in-depth look into their collaborative efforts to conserve land and water resources within the Belle Fourche River watershed, delivering tremendous benefits to the local agricultural community and the environment.
Titled “Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership,” the video offers an inside look into the practical application of one of South Dakota's Conservation Implementation Strategy (CIS) Projects, showcasing the locally guided conservation efforts of the partners and producers involved. Since its establishment in the early 1900s, the Belle Fourche Irrigation District has played a pivotal role in redirecting water from the Belle Fourche and Redwater Rivers to the Belle Fourche Dam. This water then traverses approximately 450 miles of canals and intervals, nurturing irrigation across 57,183 acres within the boundaries of the district.
Tristan Clements, Project Manager of the Belle Fourche Irrigation District, recounts the district's history, highlighting its contributions to agriculture in the region. "Out of those 57,000 acres, there's approximately 520 farmers ranging in acres from five to upwards of 968 acres," Clements states, showcasing the widespread impact of the project.
The video introduces voices of local producers, such as Zach Grant and Jeff Smeenk, who recount their experiences and the transition from traditional irrigation methods to innovative systems. These transitions, like the conversion from open ditches to gated pipes, are pivotal in minimizing water loss and optimizing water placement, ultimately benefiting both agricultural productivity and downstream ecosystems.
Through unwavering partnerships and collaborative efforts, the Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership seeks to preserve the region's land and water resources. The long-term goal of achieving a watershed with no listed or impaired waters is a testament to the enduring commitment of the partnership.
You can find the video here on the USDA-NRCS YouTube channel.
Learn more about the Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership on their BFRWP Website or about South Dakota’s locally led conservation efforts at https://www.sdlocalconservation.org/.
Low-Tech Mesic Restoration Workshop and Field Day Aug 23rd & 24th 2023 Rapid City, SD This is a free workshop for any individuals engaged in land management, including agency staff (USFS, NRCS, BLM, SDGFP, etc.), landowners, and livestock producers. Low tech restoration is a practice of using low input materials (rock, wood, sod) with the goal of mimicking nature to help restore watershed health and resilience. These practices can benefit wildlife habitat and riparian plant productivity, slow soil erosion, and improve floodplain connectivity. Learn hands on restoration skills and connect with restoration partners! Learn how to design and build low tech, low cost structures for meadow and stream restoration. Presented by Paul Jones of Tomichi Creek Ecosystem Services.
Day 1: Classroom overview of process based restoration, site planning and implementation
Day 2: Hands on field day building structures and “reading the landscape"
Download the Low-Tech Mesic Restoration Workshop Flyer
Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership Project Announces Batching Date
NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE (NRCS), Huron, South Dakota (SD), November 15, 2022 – The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in SD have announced a call for applications for the Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership (BFRWP) Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) Project.
The batching date is December 15, 2022. Landowners and Water Management Entities are encouraged to contact the local NRCS office at their local USDA Service Center.
PRESS RELEASE - Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership Project Announces Batching Date
The Irrigation Efficiency and Soil Health RCPP Project is a partnership between SD NRCS, BFWRP, SD Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (SD DANR) and the Belle Fourche Irrigation District (BFID). The project has $1,203,000 in RCPP funds being matched by $1,674,000 in partner contributions over the course of three years. The goal of the project is to convert acres from being flood-irrigated to sprinkler systems, and earthen ditches to buried pipeline in order to improve water usage efficiency, degraded plant conditions, field sediment, and nutrient and pathogen loss. This will increase the land’s plant productivity and overall soil health. “This project is another step of our mission to improve crop production, water efficiency, and to reduce the flow of solids into the Belle Fourche River. We greatly appreciate the assistance from the NRCS on this project… the NRCS has been a key partner from the start” said BFRWP Treasurer and Lawrence Conservation District Chair Karl Jensen.
Success will be measured by the number of producers enrolled and the positive changes in soil health and water quality/quantity. To learn more about RCPP and other technical and financial assistance available through conservation programs, please visit the SD NRCS web site at https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/conservation-basics/conservation-by-state/south-dakota
Veterans of the U.S. Armed Services may receive preference for NRCS programs offered in the 2018 Farm Bill and higher payment rates. These voluntary conservation programs benefit both agricultural producers and the environment and include financial and technical assistance, as well as easements.
More info is available at the NRCS Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Website
FOR MORE INFO CONTACT: The NRCS Belle Fourche office at (605) 892-3368 ext. 3 or the NRCS Sturgis office at (605) 347-4952 Ext. 3 before December 15, 2022.
SD DANR Announces Stakeholder Outreach for Surface Water Quality Standards
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR) is seeking public participation in a virtual meeting to introduce and discuss proposed changes to the Surface Water Quality Standards in the Chapter 74:51 of the Administrative Rules of South Dakota (ARSD).
DANR Announces Stakeholder Outreach for Surface Water Quality Standards
The meeting will include a DANR presentation explaining the proposed changes and provide an opportunity for public input.
The proposed rule changes include adopting/updating EPA’s recommended cadmium criterion, incorporating a seasonal component to the irrigation beneficial use criteria, updating the beneficial use classification for part of the Missouri River (Lake Sharpe), removal of breached or nonexistent dams from the classified lakes section, deleting an unused definition, and corrections/updates to minor errors.
A Microsoft Teams virtual meeting is scheduled for 10:00 am CT August 30, 2022. Participants can join the virtual meeting by calling 605-679-7263 and using the meeting passcode 153628850#. To request a Teams link for the virtual meeting, please email Shannon.Minerich@state.sd.us
Individuals requiring assistive technology or other services in order to participate in the meeting or materials in an alternate format should contact Brian Pontious, Nondiscrimination Coordinator, by calling (605) 773-5559 or by email at Brian.Pontious@state.sd.us as soon as possible but no later than two business days prior to the meeting in order to ensure accommodations are available.
The official public comment period will be open in October 2022 and a public hearing will be held in December 2022.
Butte-Lawrence County 4H Range Judging Team Heading to the 2022 National Land and Range Judging Contest in Oklahoma City in May
SDSU Extension Announces 2021 Rangeland and Soils Day Results
The Butte-Lawrence County 4H Range Judging Team won the South Dakota 2021 Rangeland and Soils Day’s Range Judging Contest held in Murdo last June. The team is comprised of Morgan Mackaben, Bennett Gordon, Farynn Knutson and Tate Ollila.
Now, the team will compete at the 2022 National Range Judging Contest in Oklahoma City during the first week in May. More information can be found at https://www.facebook.com/nationallandrangejc/
The team has paid for their registration and also received funding from the SD State 4H https://extension.sdstate.edu/south-dakota-4-h and the Lawrence County Conservation District https://www.sdconservation.org/lawrencecd, however, contributions are still needed from sponsoring individuals or organizations.
If would like to contribute to sponsoring the team on their trip to compete at the 2022 National Range Judging Contest, please contact Dave Ollila at (605) 569-0224 or dave.soilhealth@sdconservation.net
To help our future generations do that, local producers brought their children to the Butte/Lawrence County Fairgrounds on Saturday to learn from soil health experts about how that resource can be managed.
July 10, 2021 by Colton Hall
NISLAND, S.D. — Water and how it’s managed can be a major factor in a successful farm or ranch.
But when a statewide drought threatens a valuable resource like H-two-O, it’s up to our producers to take what they have and make the most of it.
To help our future generations do that, local producers brought their children to the Butte/Lawrence County Fairgrounds on Saturday to learn from soil health experts about how that resource can be managed.
“We need to think about how to conserve water in all aspects, and for agriculturalists, that’s certainly important of how to hold water on the land and keep it of a quality that usable for crops and livestock production,” said Dave Ollila, a Soil Health Specialist, with the South Dakota Soil Health Coalition.
At the event, the kids were given a down to earth look at soil – which featured a rain simulation.
Those experts pointed to the western U.S.’s problem of water and how these producers need to look at how the water system works.
A big part of that cycle is knowing where you stand with what’s on your farm – especially as you plan for the next major drought.
“Now is the time to begin planning for the next time drought hits, it could be next year, it might be a few years from now but we have technical specialists in field offices throughout the state that can make a site visit to your place and talk about the barriers that you’ve got, challenges that you have, as well as the opportunities,” said Tanse Herrmann, the state Grazing Lands Soil Health Specialist, with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service.
In the end, these producers are conserving the water but not just for them.
It’s a trickle effect that goes deeper than the livelihoods for farmers and ranchers and explores how we all use water.
“It’s bigger than just agriculture and it’s an environmental thing that not just as local, regional or national impacts, but a global impact of how we manage our environment will serve agriculturalists but also every person in the world,” Ollila said.
Soil professionals helping future producers navigate conservation waters.
Final Webinar for the Irrigation Water Management and Soil Health Webinar Series
The Butte Conservation District, Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership, and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies have developed a web series on improving irrigation in the Belle Fourche Watershed. This series will host industry leaders, conservation experts, and producer panels to highlight irrigation improvements.
Thursday May 20th 7:00 pm - 8:00pm
-Alex Roeber with DENR funding pivots with 319 funds
-A variety of moisture sensor companies will discuss their products and their benefits
-Producer panel discussing the benefits of moisture sensors and improving yields
Download Irrigation Series Webinar Flyer Here
All Sessions will be hosted virtually on Zoom and accessible both online and by telephone
To register and receive call in information contact: Jennifer Lutze at Jennifer.Lutze@usda.gov or 1-760-920-1196
LISTEN TO THE RECORDING from the Thursday March 25th Webinar
-NRCS representatives will discuss cost share opportunities for pivots and irrigation pipeline
-BFID discussing regulations when converting from flood to center pivot
-Local pivot dealers will discuss their products and services
LISTEN TO THE RECORDING from the Thursday April 22nd Webinar
-Valerie Riter NRCS Area Agronomist will discuss plant water demands in different growth stages
-Kent Cooley NRCS Area Soil Scientist will discuss soil water movement and the challenges of irrigating clay soils
-Dave Ollila with the SD Soil Health Coalition will discuss improving soil health under pivots
-Producer panel on the benefits of increasing soil health under pivots
Irrigation Project Tour TBD in June/July
Organizers of this event are not endorsing any of the companies during this series. The intention of the organizers is to allow you the opportunity to listen to multiple service providers to help you discover the best solution for your operation. The companies speaking are not the only businesses that supply these services and we encourage you to look for other solutions to best meet your needs.
(Please Note: These webinars will be recorded for record-keeping and training purposes and you will be prompted to consent during registration.)
South Dakota Soil Health Coalition (SDSHC)
Soil Health Planning and Improvement Project
The Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Program has designated funds in South Dakota to provide technical and financial assistance to landowners and operators within the program’s active watershed project areas who are willing to help improve water quality by adopting certain soil health best management practices.
For an application or more information, please visit www.sdsoilhealthcoalition.org/319-program or if you are located within the Belle Fourche River Watershed, please contact Dave Ollila, soil health specialist, 605-569-0224, dave.soilhealth@sdconservation.net
Download SDSHC 319 Project Fact Sheet Here
This assistance will be administered by the South Dakota Soil Health Coalition (SDSHC) in partnership with the South Dakota Association of Conservation Districts (SDACD), the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources (SD DENR), and South Dakota State University Department of Natural Resource Management.
Through this program, technical assistance and cost sharing funds are available for planting cover crops; planting forage and biomass in riparian areas; and fencing, planting riparian buffers, and stock watering best management practices for pasture grazing.
SDSHC staff will also provide advice and technical assistance for other conservation practices and work with landowners to determine the availability of financial assistance for best management practices for their operations.
Project Areas
To qualify for Section 319 financial assistance, supported work must occur in South Dakota’s active Section 319 watershed project areas. These include: South Central Watershed Project, Northeast Glacial Lakes Watershed Project, Little Minnesota River Basin, Belle Fourche River, Vermillion River, and the entire Big Sioux River watershed. See the map below.

Participating landowners and operators must complete an application and be willing to provide documentation of work completed, including receipts for services and materials, documentation of time spent on supported work, and before and after photos. All supported practices must be approved by SDSHC prior to beginning work and verified by SDSHC staff after work completion. Additionally, participants must grant permission for SDSHC staff to access the work site and to access relevant participant files within the NRCS system. Participation in the program is also dependent upon available funds.
Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership Project Announces Batching Date
NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE (NRCS), Huron, S.D., January 13, 2021 – The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in South Dakota (SD) have announced a call for applications for the Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership (BFRWP) Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) Project.
The batching date is February 12, 2021. Landowners are encouraged to contact the local NRCS office at their local USDA Service Center.
The Irrigation Efficiency and Soil Health RCPP Project is a partnership between SD NRCS, BFWRP, SD Department of Environment and Natural Resources (SD DENR) and the Belle Fourche Irrigation District (BFID). The project has $1,203,000 in RCPP funds being matched by $1,674,000 in partner contributions over the course of three years. The goal of the project is to convert acres from being flood-irrigated to sprinkler systems and earthen ditches to buried pipeline in order to to improve water usage efficiency, degraded plant conditions, field sediment, and nutrient and pathogen loss. This will increase the land’s plant productivity and overall soil health. “This project is another step of our mission to improve crop production, water efficiency, and to reduce the flow of solids into the Belle Fourche River. We greatly appreciate the assistance from NRCS on this project…NRCS has been a key partner from the start” said BFRWP Treasurer and Lawrence Conservation District Chair Karl Jensen.
Success will be measured by the number of producers enrolled and the positive changes in soil health and water quality/quantity. To learn more about RCPP and other technical and financial assistance available through conservation programs, please visit the SD NRCS website at www.sd.nrcs.usda.gov or contact your local USDA service center.
Specialists with the USDA NRCS are working and available by phone or e-mail while taking safety measures in response to COVID-19. For technical assistance, please contact your local NRCS office here: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/contact/find-a-service-center.
Veterans of the U.S. Armed Services may receive preference for NRCS programs offered in the 2018 Farm Bill and higher payment rates. These voluntary conservation programs benefit both agricultural producers and the environment and include financial and technical assistance, as well as easements.
More info is available at the NRCS Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Website
FOR MORE INFO CONTACT: The NRCS Belle Fourche office at (605) 892-3368 ext. 3 or the NRCS Sturgis office at (605) 347-4952 Ext. 3 before February 12, 2021.
USDA NRCS Begins Planning for RCPP and CIS Programs
Belle Fourche, SD, August 31, 2020 – The NRCS is set to begin planning for the funding of RCPP and CIS programs. You can download the RCPP CIS application and short questionnaire here...Download the RCPP CIS Application and Questionnaire HERE
The application and questionnaire must be returned no later than October 5, 2020.
Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) - This program will provide cost share for converting flood irrigation to pivot systems and applying practices that will increase soil health. Contract holders will have between 1-9 years to apply any practices in their contract. The same rules will apply as the EQIP program. Priority will be given to producers interested in installing a pivot, using soil moisture sensors, and implementing soil health practices such as cover crops and no-till. If we have evaluated your field in the past and the soils do not support a pivot, we will not cost share one through this program.
Conservation Implementation Strategy (CIS) - This program will provide cost share for conversion of open irrigation ditches to buried irrigation pipeline or installation of new irrigation pipeline to shorten irrigation runs. Associated practices, such as cover crops and no-till, will also be cost shared. The same rules will apply as the EQIP program. Contract holders will have 1 to 10 years to complete practices scheduled in their contract. The priorities below will be used to rank BUT are not required as we will use the ranking system and projects with one or more of these conditions will be funded first, and then projects without any of the following priorities will be funded until money is spent for that year. The following priorities will be used when ranking:
1. Projects within the Township 8N Range 6E which is the area located between Newell and Vale. Although this is the priority area, we will fund projects outside of this area.
2. Priority will be given to applicants who are implementing or willing to install soil health practices such as cover crops, no-till, grazing cover crops, and crop diversification.
3. Anyone willing to use moisture sensors for 3 years to schedule irrigation.
4. Lastly, fields where pivots won’t work because of soil type, size, or other reasons.
Again, please return all forms no later than October 5, 2020.
FOR MORE INFO PLEASE CONTACT: The NRCS Belle Fourche office at (605) 892-3368 ext. 3
Blair Brothers Angus Ranch to Receive South Dakota Leopold Conservation Award
Pierre, SD, April 22, 2020 – Blair Brothers Angus Ranch of Sturgis has been selected to receive the 2020 South Dakota Leopold Conservation Award®. In conjunction with Earth Day, Governor Kristi Noem announced that Blair Brothers Angus Ranch would receive the prestigious award, given in honor of renowned conservationist, Aldo Leopold. It recognizes private landowners who inspire others with their dedication to the land, water and wildlife resources in their care. The entire article is available here Blair Brothers Angus Ranch to Receive South Dakota Leopold Conservation Award
In South Dakota, the award is presented annually by Sand County Foundation, the South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association and the South Dakota Grassland Coalition.
Brothers Ed and Rich Blair, and their sons Chad and Britton are the namesakes of Blair Brothers Angus Ranch. The cow-calf, stocker and feed lot business spans 40,000 acres of deeded and leased rangeland near Sturgis and Vale in western South Dakota. Embracing conservation practices that enhance soil, water, livestock and wildlife has allowed the ranch to evolve and grow with each generation since Enos Blair established it more than a century ago.
The Blairs will be presented with the $10,000 award at the South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association’s Annual Convention in Rapid City, December 1-2.
“The South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association congratulates the Blairs on being named our 2020 Leopold Conservation Award winners. Their operation exemplifies how cattle, wildlife and the range can mutually benefit from thoughtful management, while also supporting a multi-generational family business,” said Jodie Anderson, South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association Executive Director. “We congratulate them as our 2019 Leopold Conservation Award recipients and applaud their conservation ethic.”
“The Blairs’ natural resources stewardship includes practices such as rotational grazing, no-till farming, seeding cropland back to grass and developing a drought management plan. Their commitment to conservation has proven beneficial not only to their cattle, but also to their watershed and the diverse species of wildlife that call their ranch home,” said Jim Faulstich, South Dakota Grassland Coalition Chairman. “The South Dakota Grassland Coalition extends our congratulations to the Blairs for being named this year’s Leopold Conservation Award winners.”
“Recipients of this award are real life examples of conservation-minded agriculture,” said Kevin McAleese, Sand County Foundation President and Chief Executive Officer. “These hard-working families are essential to our environment, food system and rural economy.”
Award applicants were judged based on their demonstration of improved resource conditions, innovation, long-term commitment to stewardship, sustained economic viability, community and civic leadership, and multiple use benefits.
The Leopold Conservation Award Program in South Dakota made possible thanks to the generous support of South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association, South Dakota Grassland Coalition, First Dakota National Bank, South Dakota Department of Agriculture, South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation, South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks, South Dakota State University College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, SD DENR Discovery Center, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, Audubon Dakota, Bad River Ranches, Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership, Daybreak Ranch, Ducks Unlimited, McDonald’s, Millborn Seeds, North Central SARE-Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, Professional Alliance, South Dakota’s Conservation Districts, South Dakota Soil Health Coalition, The Nature Conservancy, South Dakota Pheasants Forever, Todd Mortenson Family, U.S. Fish, Wildlife-Partners for Fish and Wildlife, Wagner Land & Livestock, and Kopriva Angus LLC of Raymond, South Dakota.
Sand County Foundation presents the Leopold Conservation Award to private landowners in 21 states for extraordinary achievement in voluntary conservation.
For more information on the award, visit https://sandcountyfoundation.org/our-work/leopold-conservation-award
USDA’s NRCS Invests in Partner-Driven Conservation Project in the Belle Fourche River Watershed in South Dakota
Belle Fourche, SD, April 16, 2020 – The Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership (BFRWP) in South Dakota has been awarded $1.6 million of Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) funding that was announced by the USDA’s Natural Resources Service (NRCS) Chief Matthew Lohr on Thursday, April 16, 2020. The BFRWP, the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources (SD DENR), and Belle Fourche Irrigation District (BFID) are contributing another $1.6 million of partner funding to the project. More information will be available in May at the BFRWP’s website at www.bellefourchewatershed.org
The BFRWP is the lead partner for the project that includes the NRCS, SD DENR and BFID. The project will work with agricultural producers to convert flood irrigated fields to more efficient irrigation systems to continue improving irrigation efficiency and soil health. One way producers will be able to accomplish these efficiencies is to convert flood irrigated fields to irrigation under center pivots. By increasing the water efficiency at the field level, the project will have effects throughout the community. This project will invest $3.2 million into the area’s economy through local contractors and vendors, including supplies such as the irrigation pipe and center pivots. Besides economic benefits, there will also be environmental benefits, for example, the installation of center pivots will decrease agricultural demand for water, which will increase the water supply available in Orman Dam (Belle Fourche Reservoir) for wildlife and recreation.
The USDA’s NRCS announced that it is investing $4 million in SD through its Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). “I’m excited to announce the first RCPP awards under the 2018 Farm Bill,” said Jeff Zimprich, State Conservationist in SD. “Through collaboration and aligning our resources toward a common goal, we’re making an impact for natural resource conservation that could never have been realized on our own.” RCPP uses a partner-driven approach to fund innovative solutions to natural resource challenges. Through RCPP, NRCS and partners work together with landowners and producers to implement a variety of conservation activities that offer impactful and measurable outcomes. These projects will support diverse agricultural and natural resource objectives, from helping farmers and ranchers improve water quality, soil health and drought resiliency to protecting drinking water and enhancing wildlife habitat.
View the BFRWP Project on the NRCS RCPP StoryMap
FOR MORE INFO PLEASE CONTACT: Justin W. Krajewski, BFRWP Project Coordinator, (605) 877-2134
Download the BFRWP RCPP News Release (PDF)
The NRCS' RCPP is now a stand-alone Farm Bill program with $300 million annually available for partner-driven projects. In addition to the general RCPP projects announced today, NRCS has already awarded more than $50 million for 18 renewals of 2014 Farm Bill projects. A separate RCPP Alternative Funding Arrangements (AFA) funding announcement is currently open until May 18. Since 2015, RCPP has combined $1 billion in NRCS investments with close to $2 billion in partner dollars to implement conservation practices nationwide. There are currently 341 active RCPP projects and close to 2,000 RCPP partners. Read more about the Regional Conservation Partnership Program.
BFRWP Activities and Accomplishments
The BFRWP has funding opportunities for improved irrigation water management and grazing management within the watershed. We also cooperate to provide a number of outreach and education events that support no-till and cover crop practices for improved soil health. Please contact us for more information.
Groundwater Maps
The BFRWP has completed a groundwater study that compiled the available groundwater data in the watershed and transformed it into a usable product. The first stage of this project was to create depth to aquifer maps and structural contour maps. Hard copies of these maps will be available at the Butte, Lawrence, and Elk Creek Conservation District offices. To view electronic copies of these maps click on the groundwater map link under the documents section of this website.
Irrigation Improvement Project Funding
The BFRWP has funding available to convert flood irrigation to center pivots and to convert open ditches to pipelines in flood irrigation systems. We encourage you to contact the Butte/Lawrence or Meade County USDA Service Center to discuss program options.
Rainfall Simulator Trailer
The BFRWP has purchased a rainfall simulator trailer intended to be used as an educational tool to teach all age groups about soil erosion. The intention of the Partnership is to have the trailer available for outreach activities in the region, including agricultural related school functions, county fairs, and farm shows. For more information please contact us.